Urinary incontinence refers simply to the loss of bladder control, and it’s a far more common condition than assumed. The loss of bladder control, depending on its severity, may cause hygienic problems as well as day-to-day social issues. This condition may manifest in women of any age group and can be attributed to pathological or other causes.
Urine Incontinence is a term that refers to urine leakage either during certain activities (cough, sneeze, lower body exercises, sexual intercourse) or automatically without the need for these activities. In the 1st case, it indicates weakness of the muscular and tissue support of the urethra. This will result in a loose urethra, and the sphincter will not close properly to hold the urine during the above activities. The 2nd case is more complicated, and it indicates nerve or balder damage which might lead to hyperactivity of the bladder.
The 1st case could be treated either with an invasive surgical method or a noninvasive method. The 1st way belongs to the past, while the 2nd way has become very popular with promising results. Using lasers, Radiofrequency, and recently electromagnetic energy is the most modern way to face such a problem.
At Bader Medical Institute of London, we are happy to say that we have the full range of the above technologies. In London, Uk we use Lasers, Radiofrequency, and Electromagnetic waves to treat the stress of Urine Incomitance.
Stress Urinary Incontinence refers to the condition where you suffer from involuntary loss of bladder control when you laugh, cough, sneeze, lift weights, climb stairs, or even during sexual intercourse.
Neurological malfunctions cause urge Incontinence, and in such cases, the urinary bladder is characterized as a "neurogenic bladder". Urge incontinence can affect all age groups, children, adults, and older people. A chief cause of the condition in childhood is meningomyelocele. In other age categories, reasons may include but are not limited to injuries of the spinal cord as a result of an accident or fall, strokes, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia.
A urodynamic test is performed using cutting-edge technology's advanced form of medical equipment. You will need to dedicate approximately three hours of the morning, drink a quantity of water according to the doctor's instructions, and following this procedure, a computer analysis will be performed, which will take measurements of certain factors, indicating a regular operation (or a lack thereof) of the urinary bladder and urethra. The measurements' data are then processed for results, and the diagnosis is ready within minutes.
Modern medicine allows for a permanent treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence after a minor surgical operation of 30-45 minutes. The patient is lightly sedated and returns home from the clinic within a few hours. The treatment is definitive and of a permanent nature, with the patient able to return to day-to-day activities immediately.
A small incision in the vaginal area is made, and the so-called "incontinence medical film" is then inserted into the urethra. The film is very light and constructed of a unique antibacterial material; it is placed on both sides of the urethra to provide additional support. Once this happens, the urethra is gently lifted and aligned, eliminating all involuntary bladder functions.
Treatment for Urge Incontinence is solely pharmaceutical. The length and scope of the treatment are directly linked to the severity of the condition, and as such, close monitoring of the situation from the doctor will be required.
In some instances, a mixed condition can exist. In this case, the diagnosis is made by joint consideration of the urodynamic test results and the patient's medical record. Treatment focuses on both causes of the condition. The stress part is treated surgically with the placement of "medical incontinence film", and the urging part is treated with medication.